Page 4 - Galveston Railroad Museum - Winter News February 2024
P. 4

Model Train Show

            Spring is the time for the Museum’s annual train show.
        This year the event is called RailFest: Model Train Rally and
        will be held the weekend of 27-28 April.
            This year’s event has more to do and see than ever!  It
        is  an  immersive  experience  for  kids  of  all  ages.  Model
        railroad layouts ranging size from N to 1.5” scale will be set
        up in the People’s Gallery and under the overhang of Shern
        Moody  Plaza.    There  will  be  blacksmith  demonstrations,
        vendors selling model trains and railroading memorabilia,
        and a food court.  Visitors may opt to take a ride on the
        Museum’s short bay window caboose.
            The fun continues all weekend. Detailed information is
        on the Museum’s website.

                                                                                2024 Rail Baron’s Ball

                                                                    Museum  board  member  and  Houston  Gala  Chair,
                 Galveston’s First Immigration Center           Patrick Henry, announced that the 2024 Rail Baron’s Ball,
                                                                called Wild, Wild West, Will be held on 5 October.  Patrick
            Coming  soon  –  “Forgotten  Gateway:  Coming  to   has set the pace to ensure a spectacular and successful
        America  through  Galveston”  will  be  an  exhibit  created  in   annual fundraising event.
        partnership with Humanities Texas.  It will open to members      The event will celebrate the 1999 classic TV series. The
        on 1 June and be on display through August. Watch the   American  steampunk  Western  theme  promises  a  colorful
        website for details.                                    evening of entertainment and a menu fit for a Rail Baron
            This  exhibit  features  the  immigration  center  that  was   and his entourage.
        once located at the eastern tip of Pelican Island, adjacent to
        Galveston Island.
            According to Wikipedia, “when the federal government
        replaced state administrations in processing immigrants at
        the turn of the 20  century, efforts began to redirect the flow
        of immigration from the Northeast to Texas.
            Pelican  Island  became  federal  property,  and  the
        government    constructed   an   immigration   center
        and quarantine  station  there.   After  an  outbreak  of yellow
        fever, the quarantine station on Pelican Island was set up to
        ensure the disease did not reach the US population. The
        quarantine center was based on the one at Ellis Island, but
        was not as large or efficient.”
            Storms in 1915 and 1916 damaged the buildings, and
        the  immigration  center  was  moved  to  21   Street  on
        Galveston  Island.    The  Pelican  Island  buildings  were
        demolished in 1972.  A park now occupies the site.
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