Page 5 - Galveston RR Museum Newsletter - April 2023
P. 5

The annual Rail Baron’s Ball funded the start- up for      Serving as story tellers, the statues’ conversations may
        construction and it is going to be a beautiful addition to the   be overheard in the vintage telephone booths by lifting the
        museum. Mark your calenda for the next Rail Baron’s Ball:   handset. An ever- bustling 1932 train depot, travelers from
        October 7, 2023. The library will be functional for use by   all  walks  of  life,  bound  for  their  own  destinations,
        scholars and members for research as well as the mode for   congregated here to board their respective trains.
        emergency evacuation if needed.                            If some appear familiar, it may be so, as live models
                                                                were used to depict the travelers. The full size  figures
                                                                were made with plaster molds of real people. Visitors will
                                                                see the faces of the artists, their family, and acquaintances
                                                                among the statues whose models posed for up to 5 hours
                                                                with the use of wires to help support them and straws to
                                                                breathe through.
                                                                    Elliot and Ivan Schwartz, Studio EIS, are sculptors,
                                                                object makers, and designers who have produced a
                                                                remarkable body of work for museums and institutions
                                                                internationally. The Galveston Railroad Museum is proud
                                                                to exhibit their creations.
                                                                    The  sculptures  are  being  restored  (refreshed  and
                                                                repaired) by Galveston artist Cathy Cloud.

                                                                                  Upcoming Events
                                                                                 By Mary Jo Naschke
                                                                           Publicist and Marketing Director
        Library car under construction.                         .
                                                                   On May 7, National Train Day and Hispanic Rail
                       Ghosts of Travelers Past
                                                                Workers Day, the Museum will honor the outstanding
            Commissioned by the Galveston Railroad Museum, the   contributions of rail workers nationwide.
        white alabaster sculptures located in the Train Depot were
        created by Elliot and Ivan Schwartz, founders of Studio EIS,      The Museum is proud to collaborate with Texas Parks &
        in 1981.                                                Wildlife  and  the  Battleship  Texas  Foundation  to  present
                                                                “Traveling  the  World  on  a  City  at  Sea:  The  Story  of  the
                                                                Battleship Texas,” an exhibit on the history of the Battleship
                                                                Texas.  The  last  remaining  dreadnought  battleship  that
                                                                fought in both World War I and II, she participated in both
                                                                the Atlantic and Pacific theater, D-Day, Okinawa, Iwo Jima,
                                                                Operations Torch, Overlord-Neptune, Detachment, Iceberg
                                                                and Magic Carpet Ride.  The exhibit opens to the public July
                                                                1, 2023 in the newly renovated Theater Building. The month
                                                                of June will be dedicated to member previews, receptions
                                                                and invited guests.

                                                                    We  are  thinking  of  the  North  Pole  even  though  the
                                                                temperature is rising. THE POLAR EXPRESS Train Ride is
                                                                on the way – bigger and better than ever!!  Make plans now
                                                                to purchase your tickets on sale to members only beginning
                                                                August 1, and the general public August 21

                                                                               Safety Around Railroads
                                                                                   By Don Harper
                                                                              Editor and Board Member

                                                                    While  looking  for  some  family  history  information,  I
                                                                came across the PSA on the following page.  It was in the
                                                                Devils Lake, ND, newspaper from 1922.  It struck me that if
                                                                you replace the steam engine with a diesel, and the touring
                                                                car with a modern car, the message contained in this ad is

        Three of the “Ghosts of Travelers Past” in the People’s   as relevant today as it was in 1922.
        Gallert at the Museum.
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