Page 2 - Galveston RR Museum Newsletter - April 2023
P. 2

The cause of this  problem is long  standing.   In the   Congress.  Some of the rails and ties date from the 1920s.
        1880s, the  City of Galveston constructed a storm drain
        that  channels  water  along  28   Street  and  empties  the
        water  into  Galveston  Harbor.  The  storm  drain,
        constructed of bricks, had vertical sides and an arched
        top. It was discovered that the bricks of the arch collapsed
        again.  The problem was fixed in 2010, but not properly,
        and the same problem occurred in 2022.
            After  protracted  discussions  with  City  of  Galveston
        personnel,  a  fix  was  agreed  upon  by  the  city  and  the
        Museum.  On  31 March, 28  Street was closed to traffic.
        Track crews from RailWorks removed the affected tracks
        and city workers repaired the storm drain.  RailWorks than
        replaced the rails leading into the yard.  It is hoped that
        this storm drain fix will be permanent.
            The Museum is hoping that a grant proposal, written
        to the Federal Transportation  Administration by Mary Jo
        Naschke, will result in all the tracks being replaced as part
        of  the  infrastructure  bill  that  was  recently  passed  by    View of the hole in the 28  Street grade crossing

                                                    MUSEUM NEWS

                Transformation Of The Glen Fee                  railroads,  and  other  railroad  artifacts.    The  building  was
                            Completed                           badly  damaged  during  the  flooding  associated  with
                                                                Hurricane Ike in 2008, and it had to be closed so repairs
            The Glen Fee, as you recall from the previous issue of   could be made.
        the newsletter, was being renovated to resemble the car as      While the building was being gutted, extensive damage
        it appeared when it was part of the 1947 Freedom Train.    was discovered in the roof and supporting trusses due to
            This  transformation  was  the  brainchild  of  former   Formosan termite infestation.  Forty-eight roof trusses were
        Executive  Director  Morris  Gould,  who  first  proposed  the   replaced, but unfortunately with untreated wood because of
        change  several  years  ago.    However,  until  recently  the   Federal Emergency Management Administration red tape -
        Museum  did  not  have  the  funds,  or  personnel,  to  do  the   FEMA claimed the roof problems were not Ike-related.
        work.                                                       After repairs had been completed, and the displays had
            The exterior work has now been completed.  The car is   been reinstalled, additional termite damage was discovered
        beautiful.                                              in  May  2019.    The  building  was  tented  and  treated  for

                                                                termites.  That was ineffective, and it was decided to again
                                                                remove the displays, gut the building and replace damaged
                                                                wood.    The  displays  were  moved  to  off-Island  storage
                                                                facilities.  .
                                                                    Then  the  restoration  began.    Construction  workers
                                                                removed the damaged trusses and roof panels in sections.
                                                                As one might expect the work generated a lot of debris.

        The Glen Fee in Freedom Train livery, complete with
        golden eagle.

            Theater Building Repairs Are Complete

            The  Theater  Building,  originally  the  Railway  Express
        building,  housed  many  of  the  Museum’s  collections  of   Debris on the floor of the Theater Building.
        railroad china and silver serving sets, as well as two model
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